Welcome to St. Thomas of Canterbury Church, Goring
St Thomas' is a registered charity, number 1152514
St Thomas' Church is a friendly, community-facing congregation. The church members seek to encourage everyone in their faith and in their prayer life. There are opportunities for fun and friendship by getting involved in the many different aspects of church life. The congregation tries to live out God's Word by loving, listening and serving as active disciples of Jesus.
You are invited to come along to any of the services. When you come to this church for the first time, please make yourself known to one of the welcomers as you come in. Church members are ready to welcome you and for everyone to catch up with old and new friends.
Young members of the family are always welcome at services. Family services are held once a month. For the other main Sunday services there is a group called Tom-Toms for young children aged 0+. (The children stay with you for the beginning of the service before going through to the Canterbury Room next door for story-time, colouring, crafts and music.) For all other services, the creche area in The Canterbury Room is available with audio/visual links that enable parents to follow the service. Check the normal schedule of services on the calendar.