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Venue Bookings

[ To see what's on, when and where, please refer to the Calendar and Events Listing. This page only indicates when a venue is in use ].

Times when any of the three churches are in use, or when the Canterbury Room is booked, can be seen in the diary below. Such bookings may correspond to events in the Benefice Calendar, but also include setup/tidy-up time or additional rehearsal time.

To make a booking for the Canterbury Room please contact Jenny Hall. Booking requests for any of the churches should be addressed to the Benefice Office.
There are no upcoming events in this month.
Monday 27th January
Tuesday 28th January
Wednesday 29th January
Thursday 30th January
Friday 31st January
Saturday 1st February
Sunday 2nd February
Monday 3rd February
Tuesday 4th February
Wednesday 5th February
Thursday 6th February
Friday 7th February
Saturday 8th February
Sunday 9th February
Monday 10th February
Tuesday 11th February
Wednesday 12th February
Thursday 13th February
Friday 14th February
Saturday 15th February
Sunday 16th February
Monday 17th February
Tuesday 18th February
Wednesday 19th February
Thursday 20th February
Friday 21st February
Saturday 22nd February - Today
Sunday 23rd February
Monday 24th February
Tuesday 25th February
Wednesday 26th February
Thursday 27th February
Friday 28th February
Saturday 1st March
Sunday 2nd March