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Weekly Notices

[ See here for Notice archives ].

Sunday 2nd February                                                 Presentation of Christ

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

It is easy to be bewildered and bowled over by life and the world around us.
Psalm 46 reminds us to
“Be still and know that I am God.”

May we open up that truth and be able to see the wood from the trees….    and find where God’s love is with us and calling us forwards, wider and deeper.
The Collect, the prayer for the week
   Almighty and ever-living God,
   clothed in majesty,
   whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple,
   in substance of our flesh:
   grant that we may be presented to you
   with pure and clean hearts,
   by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
   who is alive and reigns with you,
   in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
   one God, now and for ever.
Readings for this Sunday: Hebrews 2: 14-end, Ps. 24: 7-end and Luke 2: 22-40. Family services: 1 Cor. 13: 1-13 and Luke 4: 21-30.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
8:45am        Parish breakfast in the Canterbury Room
9:30am        Family service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Family service at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Choral Evensong at St Thomas’

Parish Breakfast at St Thomas', this Sunday, 2nd February

Tea and toast px

Come along for croissants and coffee on this first Sunday of a month from 8.45-9.15am.
This is a wonderful way to integrate our different church members of all ages and stages.

Thank you to Robert, Lucy, Elena, Olive and Greta for providing this!

Digging deeper
Digging Deeper 
All are warmly welcome to come along to this study and fellowship group on Paul’s letter to the church in Rome.
With coffee and a biscuit our second session will dig deeper into Romans Chapter 1 v18 to Chapter 2 v16 on this Tuesday 4th February, 10.30am-12.00pm in the Canterbury Room. All welcome!
Electoral Roll 2025
Each Parish Church must prepare an entirely new electoral roll this year so everyone needs to complete a fresh form, please. As St Andrew’s have their APCM at the beginning of April, the congregation there need to return their forms to the box in church or Sine Shaw by March 13th.
Copies of the form are available in St Andrew’s or may be downloaded by clicking here. Completed forms can also be e-mailed to the church office (
Forms and deadlines for St Thomas’ and St Mary’s will follow later as their APCMs are in May.

Real Easter Eggs
Once again Real Easter Eggs are not being sold by supermarkets so the only way to obtain one is to order directly. The eggs are Fairtrade, palm oil and plastic free and many come with a 24 page Easter story/activity book. There are sign up sheets in our churches or please contact the church office to order. The makers have asked us to order early so we will be placing an order on 17th February.

The price of chocolate has unfortunately increased from £2,500 to £10,000 a tonne this year (adverse weather across West Africa, caused by the 2023 El Nino weather phenomenon, resulted in poor harvests in both Ghana and Ivory Coast) meaning the cost of the eggs has also gone up: £6.20 milk; £6.90 dark; £6.50 fun pack egg box. Please see for more information.
Start your day listening to God and praying together. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church members in turn.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray: 

  • We give thanks for the new start of our Discoverers group for 10-13 year olds.
  • For our Marriage Preparation Day next Saturday, 8th February.
  • For residents of the West Bank and citizens in Gaza returning to their homes…
  • For children and young people in households choosing whether to eat or to heat their homes. For teachers and school support staff, church and community groups supporting them.
Diary for the week
Tuesday 4th February
10:30am      Digging Deeper in the Canterbury Room

Wednesday 5th February
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
                    followed by coffee in the Canterbury Room
The readings will be Heb. 12. 4-7, 11-15, Ps 103. 1-2, 13-18 and Mark 6. 1-6a.

Saturday 8th February
9:15am        Marriage preparation course in the Canterbury Room

Sunday 9th February
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      Family service at St Mary’s
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
5:00pm        Discoverers
The monthly calendar for February can be downloaded by clicking here

Prayers for the week
Thank you to Judith for this week’s prayers.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to help all the people in this country who have suffered loss during the storms which have hit our shores over the last few weeks: those whose homes have been flooded, those who are still without electricity and those who have suffered loss of various kinds. We thank you that in this area we have not experienced the worst of the weather. Nevertheless, we ask you to make us aware of anyone who needs help in our community to keep warm and well-fed during the winter months, so that we can support them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving God, we thank you that you have heard our prayers for the Middle East and that there is a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel at the moment. We pray that there will soon be a permanent end to the violence in Gaza, Lebanon and Israel. We pray also for an end to the wars in the rest of the world: between Russia and the Ukraine, in the Sudan, in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Myanmar, to name but a few. We appeal to you to remove from human hearts the love of power and replace it with love for you and for one another.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Merciful Lord, we pray for our part in your church, the Church of England, especially at this time when serious failures in safeguarding have been brought to light. We are sorry that these failings have wounded many vulnerable people and have marred the image of your church. Please give those in authority wisdom, and please guide the selection of a new Archbishop of Canterbury. Bless and guide them and the archbishop of York with Your Holy Spirit as they seek to bring in necessary reforms.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for the churches in our Benefice. Please bless our plans for this year, including the Marriage Preparation Course, the Bereavement Café, the Digging Deeper Group, the Ecumenical Lent Groups, Little Lights and the Discoverers, and Pick-a-Flick. Help us, through these initiatives, to reach more people with the good news of your love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Please bless our mission partners, Steve and Lindsay, as they continue their work in Honduras and as they prepare for the arrival of their first baby. We pray for a safe delivery and good health for the whole family. We thank you for their dedication to the young people they are mentoring. Please grant them success in keeping more of them away from the gangs.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Merciful Father, please bless and heal all those we know who are sick at this time. Show us how we can support them and grant that they will feel your presence with them. We pray also for those who have recently lost loved ones and ask you to comfort them.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 3rd February
Monday am: Ps 1 Malachi 1.1, 6-end John 13. 1-11 pm: Ps 4 Phil. 1. 1-11
Tuesday am: Ps 5 Malachi 2. 1-16 John 13. 12-20 pm: Ps 9 Phil. 1. 12-end
Wednesday am: Ps 119
Malachi 2.17-3.12 John 13. 21-30 pm: Ps 11 Phil. 2. 1-13
Thursday am: Ps 15 Malachi 3.13-4.end John 13. 31-end pm: Ps 18 Phil. 2. 14-end
Friday am: Ps 19 Nahum 1 John 14. 1-14 pm: Ps 22 Phil. 3.1-4.1
Saturday am: Ps 23 Obadiah John 14. 15-end pm: Ps 24 Phil. 4.2-end
(There are some interesting alternative readings from the apocrypha also available this week.)
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2025 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom
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