Human hearts and aspirations can seem so far from God’s kingdom ways. We totally depend on God but so love to do it all our way.
Please come and pray for the life of our parishes: As we prepare for Lent as a growing time and for all our life, worship and service. The prayer breakfast will take place in the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’.
South Stoke Open Day, Saturday 1st March The church is taking part in this event which takes place from noon in South Stoke village hall. We will show and tell of what we are doing and can do. We wish to be at the heart of the village and cheering for all its life and activity. Come along and find out what is going on in your village and join in. For more information please click here.
Lent Groups The Ecumenical Lent groups start the week beginning 10th March. Journey with us this Lent as we look at stories of steadfast faith, hope and trust found in the Bible and reflect on what God's transformational love can mean for our world today. Find encouragement and strength in stories of hope that span over 3000 years of history - showing us that God remains with us at all times. We will be using the Embrace book, "Hope in Hard Places". Sign up sheets are at the back of the church. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine via the church office (01491 875651)..
Real Easter Eggs - last chance to order Once again Real Easter Eggs are not being sold by supermarkets so the only way to obtain one is to order directly. The eggs are Fairtrade, palm oil and plastic free and many come with a 24 page Easter story/activity book. There are sign up sheets in our churches or please contact the church office to order.
This week we are asked to pray:
Prayers for the week Thank you to Alun for this week’s prayers. Lord, we thank you that you call us all to your service as members of the Body of Christ, each of us with a vocation to fulfil and a ministry to exercise. Make us always mindful that the Church exists in the world for your glory and the service of mankind. So we pray that we do not become too wrapped up in our own affairs and the mundane things that absorb much of our time and energy. Help us to seek first your kingdom and the hallowing of your name; to obey your command to preach the gospel everywhere; to minister to the poor, the sick and the oppressed; to love our neighbours as ourselves. May we keep this vision before us every day, in whatever situation we find ourselves. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Lord, we bring before you the deep divisions of our world. We pray especially for the people of Ukraine, Yemen, South Sudan, Myanmar and other lands where conflict continues to rage. Set in the hearts of those who have power and influence the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation; may they no longer be dominated by fear and distrust but be drawn together in understanding and a feeling for justice, that in unity of purpose they may seek the way of peace. Our thoughts inevitably turn to the fragile situation in Gaza and pray that the ceasefire and release of hostages may continue. May tensions in the West Bank also be relieved. We remember and treasure the work of Christian missionaries in difficult, edgy places across the world and ask your blessing especially on Steve and Lindsey Poulson as they mentor young people in Honduras. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Lord, as we approach the season of Lent, help us better to understand the meaning of penitence. According to your steadfast love forgive our neglect of fellowship, our faltering witness and our imperfect stewardship of your gifts. Help us to search our hearts, to examine our lives, and to banish hypocrisy and pretence, that we may bear a witness that honours your name before all people. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Father, we thank you for our homes and families, for love, care and mutual protection, for all the blessings we receive and sometimes take for granted. So make us mindful of those who are less fortunate: the lonely, the homeless, the unemployed, the depressed, the vulnerable. We commend to you the work of the various agencies and bodies who seek to minister to their needs, as well as unheralded individuals who lend their quiet, helping hand. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those whom we know to be unwell at this time. May they come to sense more of your healing presence and be aware of the support offered by the prayers of Church, family and friends. We remember those who have died recently and pray for your comfort and strength for the bereaved as they face difficult days ahead. We give thanks for the Bereavement Café initiative and the gentle, thoughtful support that it provides. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.