Simon Peter is changed by an encounter with Jesus. If we are open and allow him, he will change us and equip us for new adventures. May we be willing to follow and join in.
Real Easter Eggs Once again Real Easter Eggs are not being sold by supermarkets so the only way to obtain one is to order directly. The eggs are Fairtrade, palm oil and plastic free and many come with a 24 page Easter story/activity book. There are sign up sheets in our churches or please contact the church office to order. The makers have asked us to order early so we will be placing an order on 17th February.
This week we are asked to pray:
Prayers for the week from "Roots on the Web" Compassionate God we bring to you in our prayers those whose calling sends them to places of danger. We remember those in our emergency services and those around the world who are first at traffic accidents, at plane crashes and crime scenes. We pray for those responding to the shootings in Orebro in Sweden, for the injured and bereaved. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for all who search for those missing at sea or on mountains or under rubble, for those who fight fires, for all who witness and deal with catastrophic injuries and loss of life. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for those whose calling sends them to places of desperation: For aid workers and medics working where there is hunger and starvation. Especially we remember the people of Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Gaza and all those living in refugee camps around the world. And for journalists and reporters on the front line. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for those in the armed forces of their nation, for veterans struggling to adapt to civilian life, and for all with PTSD. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for those whose calling is to remain in their local communities to serve together, worship together and to be people of faith, hope and integrity. We pray for those exploring a vocation in your Church, for those whose responsibility it is to discern vocations, and for those called to shape the future of your Church. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for young people who face decisions about careers and study choices. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for those who feel overwhelmed by the enormity of their calling. Those whose love of their work is slowly slipping away. Those whose energy has run out. Those who feel they have no gifts that can be used. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for those whose work has sent them to places where they are unhappy, exploited or a long way from family. O Hear us: Lord be with them We pray for one another and those we know who are low on confidence and for those who feel they have lost their role in life and their sense of purpose, through age or illness or a change of circumstances. Lord be with them and us today and everyday In Jesus' name. Amen.