Happy New Year! We give thanks for wonderful celebrations and for all who came and all who prepared our churches for them.
Come along for croissants and coffee on this first Sunday of the month from 8.45-9.15am. This is a wonderful way to integrate our different church members of all ages and stages. Thank you to Henry & Elizabeth for providing this.
This week we are asked to pray:
Prayers for the week Thank you to Mike for this week’s prayers based on David Adam’s ‘Traces of Glory’. Blessed be you, O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Chris; you have blessed us in Christ our Lord. God of love, you have come among us, to renew us, refresh us and restore us. In you we are redeemed and forgiven. Keep us ever aware of your love and the radiance of your goodness; through Christ who descended to lift us up and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen. Lord, give to your faithful people wisdom and gentleness in all their dealings – that the Church may proclaim the joy of the Gospel; that it may bring your strength and hope to all in need; that it may revel your glory in our midst. We pray for Ben Phillips and the Ministers of our Benefice. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. Lord, you are the beginning and source of all things. Teach us to have respect towards your creation. We pray for all who are involved in caring for our planet; for ecologists, conservationists, for farmers, and for all who seek to supply us with our needs. And we pray for all who are hurt and harmed by storms, floods and other crises of climate change. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. Eternal Light, shine in our hearts. Deliver us and our loved ones from all that is bad. Be known in or homes, that we may be seen to be your people. We pray for homes where there are difficulties. Where there is a lack of love or a lack of trust; for all who are alone. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. God of Peace, we pray that in this New Year there will be real progress in resolving the conflicts in the Middle East, in Ukraine and around the world. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. Eternal Goodness, guide and direct all who have gone astray. We pray for all involved with drugs or vice, for those who walk in darkness, the doubting and despairing, that all may come to behold your glory and know that they are loved. We pray for the sick and homebound known to us. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. Eternal God, you are the giver of life which is eternal. You will not let your beloved people be lost or destroyed. We pray for our friends and loved ones who are now in your kingdom. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. And as we come to the Epiphany of your Son, our Lord Jesus, O Holy Father, who gave guidance to the Wise Men until they bowed in worship before our Saviour, lead us to an awareness of your presence and how to bow in adoration before Christ our Lord who is alive with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. O Lord Jesus Christ, by the light of your presence, Fill us with your glory. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.