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Sunday 3rd November                                                          4 before Advent

Welcome to our weekly newsletter
autumn leaves all saints WM

Who is a Saint? Who do we thank God for? And will we be in that number?
We pray for Rupert due to be baptised on Sunday and we remember our loved ones together this All Souls time and consider the amazing story of Ruth at some of our varied services.

The Collect, the prayer for the week
  Almighty and eternal God,
  you have kindled the flame of love
  in the hearts of the saints:
  grant to us the same faith and power of love,
  that, as we rejoice in their triumphs,
  we may be sustained by their example and fellowship;
  through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
  who is alive and reigns with you,
  in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
  one God, now and for ever.
Readings for this Sunday: Ruth 1: 1-18, Ps. 146 and Mark 12: 28-34.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
8:45am        Breakfast in the Canterbury Room
9:30am        Family service with Baptism at St Thomas’
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Family service at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        All Souls service at St Thomas’
Performance of Fauré's Requiem, Saturday 2nd November, 5pm
All are welcome to listen to a special performance of this in St Thomas' following the Come and Sing workshop. We will all be invited to join in verses from the hymn “Abide with me”, and, interspersed with readings for the season, we can ponder the mystery of life and death and the hope revealed in Jesus’s death and resurrection. All welcome. Free of charge for the 5pm part.
In our churches this Sunday we will have a collection via the Disasters Emergency Committee for the Middle East Humanitarian appeal

A prayer for peace in this conflict

Almighty God,
from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed:
kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all, the true love of peace
and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom
those who take counsel for the nations of the earth
that in tranquillity your kingdom may go forward,
till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
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This Sunday, Parish Breakfast at St Thomas’ 
Come along for croissants and coffee on this first Sunday of a month from 8.45-9.15am.
This is a wonderful way to integrate our different church members of all ages and stages.

Thank you to Jo Almond for providing this.
Thanksgiving for the Departed, this Sunday, 3rd November
autumn leaves all saints WM
The Ministry Team invite all who have lost loved ones, whether recently or longer ago, to come together at St Thomas’ on the 3rd November at 4.00pm to remember those who have died, to give thanks for and to celebrate their lives.
The service is gentle and allows time for reflection and thanksgiving as well as an act of remembrance for those who have died. 
Following the service, light refreshments will be served in the Canterbury Room, giving an opportunity to talk with others and with members of the Ministry Team, if you wish.
All are most welcome to come and join in this celebration of the lives of departed loved ones and do please invite others you may know to the service.
The Story of Scripture, Tuesday 5th November
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Our course continues at 10.30am in the Canterbury Room. Each session is independent of the others so do join us. This week we are looking at the story of Scripture from Jesus’ death and resurrection through into the mission of the early Christians in the first century AD.
This course from the Diocese of Oxford uses a mixture of video, Bible study, teaching and discussion to give an overview of the story of God’s loving purposes revealed in Scripture. All welcome. Come ready to learn, ask questions and have your hearts and lives stretched.
“A Thousand Years in Song”, Goring Chamber Choir Concert,
Saturday 9th November at 3pm

Goring Chamber Choir will be giving a concert at St Thomas’ that focuses on music from three short periods of history. First is the 12th and early 13th centuries. Moving on 400 years is the late renaissance style of Queen Elizabeth I's reign. Finally another 400 years later moves to the sound of the 21st century, including a focus on women composers.
Tickets are £15 (with free entry for under 18s) obtainable from Inspiration in Goring; or from a choir member, or on the door. Further information is available on the Goring Chamber Choir website:
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Advent 2024
The ecumenical Advent groups will be starting the week beginning 18 November and running for 4 weeks. Sign up sheets are the in churches. We’ll be using Waiting for the Light, by William Delia to guide us through this season of anticipation.
The groups are informal and welcoming. Make space in your diary to pause and pray as we wait expectantly for Christ’s birth.
Advent candles and calendars
We will soon be ordering chocolate Advent calendars from the Meaningful Chocolate company (, if people are interested in these. They are no longer sold in supermarkets and would cost £5.50. Please put the money with your order through the Vicarage door by November 10th.
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Advent candles
These will be available in church in November, again with an accompanying card.  An ideal present for yourself, a friend or grand/godchildren, offering calming hope at the opening moment in each day in December. They cost £4. Cash please.
Daily Prayer continues its usual pattern. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church members in turn.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray 

  • For God’s help for us all to respond to the difficult Budget and find the costly part we all need to have to go forwards as a nation and pay off our debts and build hope for the generations to come.
  • For all who remember and miss a loved one at this time.
  • For parents and god-parents and the wider community responsible for bringing up children.
  • For the millions made homeless in Gaza and The Lebanon, for understanding, equal freedoms and responsibilities for all the people of the Near East.
Diary for the week
Tuesday 5th November
10:30am      The Story of Scripture in the Canterbury Room

Wednesday 6th November
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
                    followed by coffee in the Canterbury Room
The readings will be Phil. 2. 12-18, Ps 27. 1-5 & Luke 14. 25-33.

Saturday 9th November
3:00pm        Goring Chamber Choir concert in St Thomas’

Sunday 10th November
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Said Morning Prayer at St Thomas’
10:50am      Act of Remembrance at St Thomas’
10:50am      Act of Remembrance at St Mary’s
10:50am      Act of Remembrance at St Andrew’s
The monthly calendar for November can be downloaded by clicking here

Prayers for the week from "Roots on the Web"
Lord, help us to know what ‘love’ actually means in practice. Help it not to be just a theory or an emotion but a way in which we demonstrate who you are to those around us. As we recognise the need to love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, help us to be prepared to be willing to love. Help us to work at loving others. Help us to get our hands dirty and our hearts broken because we are willing to serve you wherever, and in whatever way, you lead us.
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Lord, as we look at the world around us, we see so much pain. We see so much sorrow. We see places torn apart by war because we have forgotten how to love our neighbours as ourselves. We pray for Ukraine and all other nations in the world torn apart by aggression, hatred and fear. We pray for an end to all hostilities. Lord, we lift the continuing crisis in the Middle East to you. We cry out to you for the hostages, that they might be freed. We weep for those whose lives have been shattered by destruction of their homes and for all those who mourn those who have died as a result of the conflict. Lord, be especially close to them, we pray. Show us what we can do to relieve some of the suffering. We continue to pray for peace and love to transform the hearts of all who seek violence. We pray that aid will still be able to reach the people of Gaza who so desperately need the basic essentials. Speak peace into the hearts of the leaders of the nations that they may see that your way of truth and love is the only true way forward. Lord, as we weep for the nations of the world:
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Lord, as the US election approaches this week, we pray for Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Lord, may they stand up for truth, justice and a willingness to serve. We pray for a clear result that leaves no room for uncertainty among the population. May the result unite the country rather than dividing it, we pray. Lord, whoever wins, may they turn to you for their support and strength. We pray for an outpouring of your love across the USA during polling day and beyond.
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Lord, we pray for refugees and all who have to flee their homeland because of violence, famine, injustice or other pain. Lord, help your world to become a place of welcome and compassion where everyone is treated with respect and justice. We pray for all who seek to exploit the poor and oppressed, asking that you would convict them of the wrong they are doing. We pray for those who, even now, are stepping onto cramped, dangerous, inflatable boats seeking solace in another country. Keep them safe. May they be met with kindness and compassion when they land on another shore. Lord, when we meet with those who are different from us, may we be welcoming and servant-hearted, always seeking to treat them as we would like to be treated ourselves.
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Lord, you have called us to love with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. This is a hard calling, so we need your help. We pause for a moment to think of those we find it hard to love… give us grace, Lord, to see them through your eyes. And forgive us, Lord, for the times when we make ourselves unlovable… perhaps in the way we react to criticism, when we want our own way, when we are selfish or argumentative. Lord, forgive us and help us to forgive others too.
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

And, Lord, we bring to you those who we love very dearly. We pause to picture them now… Thank you for people in our lives who love us and who we can love in return. Give us grace this week to show them how much we love them and rejoice that they are in our lives.
And, Lord, we pray for those we know who are sick, especially.... Help us to be your caring hands and to speak your calming words to all those we know who are suffering. We lift before you those who are sad at the death of a loved one. Bring them your comfort and peace and show us how to weep with them or sit with them in their pain.
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

We consider, now, those who we meet on a day-to-day basis: our colleagues, our school friends and classmates and teachers, those who run our local shops and businesses, our bus drivers, delivery drivers, those who walk the dog past our house… Lord, show us ways that we can treat them with kindness and respect this week. Go before us into every situation so that the fragrance of your love invades our every space. Help us to bring your peace into every moment of conflict, your love into every moment of friendship, your wisdom into every moment of confusion and your joy into every moment of fun and laughter.
Help us to actually, wholeheartedly, deeply love:
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
As we seek to serve you and others with the love with which you served us.

Daily readings for the week beginning 4th November
Monday am: Ps 2 Dan. ch. 1 Rev. ch 1 pm: Ps 92 Matt. 1. 18-end
Tuesday am: Ps 5 Dan. 2. 1-24 Rev. 2. 1-11 pm: Ps 100 Matt. 2. 1-15
Wednesday am: Ps 9 Dan. 2. 25-end Rev. 2. 12-end pm: Ps 112 Matt. 2. 16-end
Thursday am: Ps 15 Dan. 3. 1-18 Rev. 3. 1-13 pm: Ps 118 Matt. ch. 3
Friday am: Ps 16 Dan. 3. 19-end Rev. 3. 14-end pm: Ps 143 Matt. 4. 1-11
Saturday am: Ps 18. 31-end Dan. 4. 1-18 Rev. ch. 4 pm: Ps 145 Matt. 4. 12-22
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2024 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom