What does faith look like? Where does our wisdom come from? Good questions addressed in the Epistle of James.
New volunteers at St Mary's After a number of years, Graham is stepping down both as Recorder and Electoral Roll Officer; we thank him very much for all his time and commitment. Keith has taken over as Electoral Roll Officer, whilst Nigel has agreed to step into the position of Recorder. We are extremely grateful for their volunteering to fill these important posts, particularly at a time when many churches are finding it very difficult to find anyone prepared to take on any vacant role within the vital parochial church support network. John
Next week we have our benefice service. Do come and plan to share lifts together. We have some great hymns lined up. The organist and choirs from Streatley and Goring will be there to help raise the roof.
This week we are asked to pray
Prayers for the week Thank you to Mike for this week’s prayers based on the prayers of David Adam. Holy Father, give us a spirit of happiness and peace so we may enjoy who we are and what we have. In this time of harvest, help us to appreciate what you have given us and to be gracious and generous to others. May the World’s goods be neither squandered or wasted but be used for the benefit of everyone; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit are one God, for ever. Amen. We give you thanks for your peace in our hearts and minds – that deep peace that comes from you alone. Make your Church an instrument of peace, of love and healing. We pray for areas of conflict within the Church. O God, by your power, Defend us and give your peace. Bring your gift of peace to places of war and unrest, to peoples being destroyed by greed and selfishness. We pray for all people who are abused by the ambition of others. We beg for resolution in the conflict in Ukraine, the Holy Land, Sudan and throughout the World. We remember all who are never content or satisfied, and all who find no rest unless they rest in you and your love. O God, by your power, Defend us and give your peace. God, grant your grace to our Benefice and the communities to which we belong, that there may be good communication between us all. We thank you for the commitment of Ben, our Ministry team and everyone who supports our Churches. We pray for those in government and public officials and we ask for stability and progress for the benefit of our nation. Give your peace in our homes, in our work and in all our activities. O God, by your power, Defend us and give your peace. Comfort, O Lord, all who have been betrayed or deserted, all who have been misunderstood or persecuted. We pray for hostages and prisoners of conscience. We remember all who are lonely in their sickness. And we pray for all who are ill at home or in hospital. O God, by your power, Defend us and give your peace. We give you thanks for the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ over death, and for the gift of eternal life. We pray for friends and loved ones who are with you in glory. O God, by your power, Defend us and give your peace. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.