This Sunday we are thrilled to welcome our Bishop – Gavin who is coming to Confirm Bill and Enrique. Please note the special time and place. Please come and hear why they want to make this commitment, cheer them on with your prayers, and meet Bishop Gavin over a piece of celebratory cake afterwards.
Please come and pray for the life of our parishes. This will take place in the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’. Coffee and croissants from 8:15am, followed by prayer for the life of our churches. Finished by 9.30am Please do join us.
Friends of St Mary’s concert “Sound the trumpet! Raise, raise the voice!” The annual Friends of St Mary’s concert will take place on Sunday 21st July at 4pm in St Mary’s. Glynne Stackhouse will be playing the organ and piano and he will be joined by soprano, Stephanie Bodsworth and Brian Thomas on the trumpet. There will be music by Purcell, Strauss, Mozart, Gershwin and pieces for Soprano and Trumpet by Handel. Admission is £10 (FoSM members £8) and will be followed by tea and cakes in the Morrell Room.
This week we are asked to pray
Prayers for this week Thank you to Sally for this week’s prayers. Blessed are you, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing; enable us by your power to be true to our calling and live holy and blameless before you all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen The Archbishop of York’s Prayer for Parliament after the election God of eternal love and power, save our Parliamentary democracy, protect the High Court of Parliament and all its members from partiality and prejudice that they may walk humbly the path of kindness, justice and mercy. Give them wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good. The weight of their calling is too much to bear in their own strength, therefore we pray earnestly, Father, send them help from your Holy Place, and be their tower of strength. Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. We offer ourselves with all who have lived holy and dedicated lives; Lord, make us to be numbered with your saints. We pray for all who have been imprisoned for their faith, for all who at this time are facing persecution or danger, for all who stand firmly for freedom and justice. Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. God, lover of the poor, be a strength to the persecuted. We pray for those who lack the resources they need, for communities with poor medical supplies, all who lack food or shelter, not forgetting the tragic situation not only in The Ukraine but also in the Holy Land and many other war-torn areas of the world. We remember all in sickness. Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. Glory to you, O Lord, for you give us the victory, in you we triumph over death and have life eternal. We give thanks for the saints who stood firm and witnessed to your love; we remember all our loved ones departed. And now in silence we offer you ourselves in the week that lies ahead Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.