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Sunday 2nd June                                                                          Trinity 1

Welcome to our weekly newsletter 
walk through trees WM

As we approach a General Election we ask God to guide us in his ways.

The Collect, the prayer for the week
   God of truth,
  help us to keep your law of love
  and to walk in ways of wisdom,
  that we may find true life
  in Jesus Christ your Son.
Readings for this Sunday: 1 Samuel 3: 1-20, Ps. 81: 1-10, Mark 2: 23 - 3: 6.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
8:45-9:15am St Thomas’ parish breakfast between the two services
9:30am        Family Service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Family Service at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Choral Evensong at St Thomas’ 
Norma and Duncan Bryant, RIP who died suddenly in February will be remembered in our Evensong at 4pm this Sunday, 2nd June, in St Thomas’. Anyone who knew them will be most welcome, and to stay for tea and cake together after the service to share memories.
Their daughter Linda will be with us.
Digging deeper
Digging Deeper
All are warmly welcome to come along to "Digging Deeper” on Tuesday 4th June at 10.30am-12.00pm in the Canterbury Room. This is a chance to meet over coffee and to learn more about the Old Testament and its importance both to the Christian story and also to our own stories.  
This week we will look at Exodus ch 11-12, including the Passover.
The next session will be a fortnight later on June 18th.
The Great Green Food Day on Sunday 9th June     starts in church
Green Day snip

This vital occasion to help us to play our part will give encouragement that what we eat makes a huge difference.
9.30am: United Benefice Service in St Thomas’ with live jazz, Food glorious Food. And Bread of Heaven. Only with God’s help can we change our hearts, and then our ways and hopes.

11.00am-2.00pm in the Rectory Garden
Bring a picnic or buy food and drink in the garden. There will be live music, stalls and activities for all the family, to inspire and encourage.
12noon-1:00pm:  Special Question Time... in the marquee with visiting experts facing our questions and sharing their insights. They will guide us in discovering what a difference our eating habits make to the world and how we can all have a positive impact on climate change and biodiversity.
You can guarantee your seat and encourage us to have a full marquee, by booking online for this part:

Hymns and songs in church – Is something missing?
We have great hymns in our books, but no one book is perfect and we can’t please everyone all the time, but we try! 
Please, if you are longing for a particular song, do let the ministry team or organists know. We can occasionally print a hymn/song on the weekly sheet to be included.

News from Wallingford food bank
Wallingford food bank has contacted us to say “Please would you pass on our thanks for the regular, thoughtful gifts of food from St Thomas’ and St Andrew’s. And please thank the kind person (or people) who faithfully deliver to us. It is very much appreciated.
They has also asked us to remind people about the app you can download to your phone which highlights items that the foodbank particularly needs.  
Here is a link to a very short film explaining how it works. If you have a smart phone, you can download the free app called “BankTheFood”, register and “follow” the Wallingford food bank (you can easily find them if you enter OX10 in the postcode search). If you shop at Waitrose in Wallingford, or the Co-ops in Benson and Woodcote, the app will ping your phone with a list of the most urgent items they need when you arrive. Equally a user can check the app at any time to see what is needed and shop wherever they choose.
 ‘All We Restless Travellers’
This is a one day conference at Christ Church Cathedral, celebrating and exploring the past, present, and future of Christian pilgrimage.
Tuesday 25 June, 9.30am – 5.30pm in Christ Church Cathedral Chapter House.
This conference will allow practitioners, scholars, and all those interested in pilgrimage to gather in the beautiful surroundings of Christ Church for discussion and learning.
Talks will explore the history of pilgrimage in Oxford, different ways of being a pilgrim in the modern period, and the theology and spirituality of pilgrimage. The keynote speaker is Dr Andrew Dunning, R.W. Hunt Curator of Medieval Manuscripts at the Bodleian Library. He will give the main address on the experiences of medieval pilgrims coming to St Frideswide’s shrine in Oxford, an important aspect of local history. The address will also mark the publication of his new edition and translation of the medieval Lives of Frideswide and the Miracles of Frideswide.
Further speakers include historians, theologians, ministers, and practitioners from English cathedrals, the British Pilgrimage Trust, the Confraternity of St James, and from academic departments and museums in London, Manchester, and Oxford: including Mark Clavier, Guy Hayward, William Griffiths, Kathryn Hurlock, Anne Bailey, Catherine Clarke, Peter Doll, and Sally Welch.
To book a place at the conference, please go to:

Daily Prayer returns to its usual pattern. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church members in turn.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray 

  • For our nation and for integrity and grace in the election campaign.
  • For preparations for the Green Day and Goring Gap Festival.
  • For orphans and all who care for them in Gaza and the Holy Land and other war areas.
  • That we will read the signs in the change of weather.
  • For farmers trying to adapt and grow food.
  • Our confirmation course.
Diary for next week
Tuesday 4th June
10:30am      Digging Deeper in the Canterbury Room  

Wednesday 5th June
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
                     followed by coffee in the Canterbury Room
The readings will be 2 Tim. 1. 1-3, 6-12, Ps. 123 and Mark 12. 18-27.

Friday 7th June
11:00am      Funeral of Tony Laurence at St Mary’s

Saturday 8th June
1:00pm        Marriage of Ben and Beci at St Mary’s

Sunday 9th June
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Benefice Green Day service at St Thomas’ before
11:00am      … Great Green Food Day in the Rectory Garden, Goring
The monthly calendar for June can be downloaded by clicking here.

Prayers for this week from "Roots on the Web"

As we come to God, let us sit in stillness and silence, listening for his still, small voice…

Lord, we lift our world up to you. We look at all the places of war and unrest: Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Myanmar and many parts of Africa. There is so much anger, hatred and distrust. Lord, it grieves your heart of love, and we lament with you for a world in pain. We pray for those who are the victims of the violence as well as those who bring it about. Lord, speak your words of peace into the nations. Bring a ceasefire to all hostilities, we pray. Lord, show us how to pray for your world. Show us how to be peacemakers and bringers of restoration in places of conflict.
O Lord, when you call, let us answer:
Speak, Lord, we are listening.

As so many countries of the world will have elections this year, we pray for the leaders of the nations, that you will raise up women and men of integrity and peace. We pray for those who serve their country in whatever capacity; may they be people who seek to put the needs of others before themselves. We pray for Christian politicians, that they will not be torn between their faith and their job. Give them courage to speak and act for you and to be an influence for good. We also pray for ourselves, that you will show us how and where we can be influencers for you, Lord. We think of where you have placed us: in our families, our homes and streets, our work or school, our leisure. Help us to bring your wholeness into every situation this week and always.
O Lord, when you call, let us answer:
Speak, Lord, we are listening.

We pray for our church community. We bring before you any pressing needs or concerns.
We pray for the work of this church during the week ahead. Show us where we can be your hands, eyes, ears and voice in our local area. Lord, is there someone or somewhere you particularly want us to go to this week? We pause in silence to listen again for your still, small voice….
Help us to take our love for you out into our streets, shops, schools and businesses this week. We pray that our community will be flooded with your love and glory.
O Lord, when you call, let us answer:
Speak, Lord, we are listening.

We pray for the young people of our community, particularly those taking exams at the moment. Lord, may there be an air of calm and peace in their hearts and in the exam rooms. Help the revision to go well and the students to do their best. Give wisdom, also, to those who are marking the exam papers. Help parents, teachers and friends to speak words of encouragement and support and may all our young people be safe in the knowledge that they are loved and valued by you no matter what the outcome of their exams.
O Lord, when you call, let us answer:
Speak, Lord, we are listening.

We pray for those we know who are struggling at the moment: for those who are sick; for those who suffer from depression or anxiety; for the elderly and bewildered; for those who are sad and sorrowful, especially because someone they love has died. Lord, help us not to pass by on the other side when we see someone in need or in pain. Help us to be good listeners to one another and to give up our time just to sit with those who need our support.
O Lord, when you call, let us answer:
Speak, Lord, we are listening.

Finally, Lord, we offer the coming week to you. In the stillness, we picture the places where we are expecting to be and the people we are expecting to be with. Go before us to prepare our way. Smooth the path where there might be friction and ease the path where there might be pain.
Help us to be ready for any eventualities that may take up more time or effort than we might have hoped. Help us to see your presence in every situation and to follow where you lead.
O Lord, when you call, let us answer:
Speak, Lord, we are listening.

Go before us and guide us and help us to follow. Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 3rd June
Monday am: Ps 30 Josh. ch. 14 Luke 12. 1-12 pm: Ps 28 Rom. 7. 1-6
Tuesday am: Ps 36 Josh. 21.43-22.8 Luke 12. 13-21 pm: Ps 33 Rom. 7. 7-end
Wednesday am: Ps 34 Josh. 22. 9-end Luke 12. 22-31 pm: Ps 119. 33-56 Rom. 8. 1-11
Thursday am: Ps 37 Josh. ch. 23 Luke 12. 32-40 pm: Ps 40 Rom. 8. 12-17
Friday am: Ps 31 Josh. 24. 1-28 Luke. 12. 41-48 pm: Ps 35 Rom. 8. 18-30
Saturday am: Ps 42 Josh. 24. 29-end Luke 12. 49-end pm: Ps 46 Rom. 8. 31-end
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2024 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom