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Sunday 17th March                                                                   Lent 5 

Welcome to our weekly newsletter
Blossom WM

The season of annual meetings begins…  so we give thanks for all who help in so many ways, especially churchwardens, treasurers  secretaries and yes, so many more taking on a vital role.
Please pray for them that they will be sustained and blessed in the responsibilities they carry for us all.

The Collect, the prayer for the week
  Gracious Father,
  you gave up your Son
  out of love for the world:
  lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion,
  that we may know eternal peace
  through the shedding of our Saviour’s blood,
  Jesus Christ our Lord.
Readings for this Sunday: Heb. 5: 5-10, Ps. 51. 1-13 and John 12: 20-33.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
9:30am        Good News service at St Thomas’
11:00am      Good News service at St Andrew’s
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
12 noon      St Andrew’s APCM at St Andrew’s
Prayer Breakfast,
this Saturday, 16th March

Please come and pray for the life of our parishes. This will take place in the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’. Coffee and croissants from 8:15am. Followed by prayer for the life of our churches. Finished by 9.30am.
Please do join us.
St Andrew’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting for St Andrew’s will take place this Sunday, 17th March, after the Good News service which starts at the slightly earlier time of 11:00am.
Paper copies of the annual report and accounts will be available in the church.
Thank you to those who prepared the beautiful posies for Mothering Sunday.
They were so gratefully received and still speaking out its message.
PAF Mar 24
Pick-a-Flick, Thursday 21st March, 10:30am
This month Pick-a-Flick will be screening the film “Philomena”. As usual, there will be coffee before the film and a light lunch afterwards and we ask for a contribution of £5 towards this. Pre-booking is required so please contact Sarah via the church office (875651) to book in and to ask for transport if you require it.
Easter flowers JB for newslett
Easter Flowers at St Thomas’
Easter lies ahead. This joyous festival provides an opportunity to decorate St Thomas' with lilies and other spring flowers. If you would like to dedicate a lily in memory of a relative or friend please get in touch with Jenny via the church office (875651) to make your donation.  
Thank you.

Reading Bach choir concert, this Saturday, 16th March
The Reading Bach choir will be performing Dvorak’s Stabat Mater in a concert at St Thomas’ at 7:30pm. They will be directed by Daniel Mahoney and accompanied on the piano by Nick Shaw. Four young soloists, all training under the Sixteen Young Artists programme, will be taking part. Tickets are £15, £5 under-18s and are available from any choir member or via their website:

Church Times
What is happening in the church worldwide and nationally? What needs to be challenged, changed and what celebrated and shared?
An independent charity runs this weekly national paper, which happens to employ a local journalist in our congregation. There is a special offer on this month for new subscribers to give it a go - £10 for 10 editions delivered through your door...
Do pick up a leaflet from church.

Daily Prayer continues its usual pattern. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church members in turn.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray 

  • We give thanks for God’s deep passion for us, his willingness to suffer for us. We pray for all who suffer for others’ sakes.
Diary for next week
Monday 18th March
Ecumenical Lent groups continue this week

Wednesday 20th March
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
The readings will be Dan. 3. 14-20, 24-25, 28, Canticle: Bless the Lord and John. 8. 31-42.

Thursday 21st March
10:30am      Pick-a-Flick in the Canterbury Room

Sunday 24th March, Palm Sunday
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:25am        Procession from Goring Village hall prior to...
9:30am        Holy Communion service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Procession and Mattins service at St Mary’s
11:15am      Holy Communion service at St Andrew’s
5:00pm        Discoverers in the Canterbury Room

Prayers for this week
Thank you to Brenda for this week’s prayers.

Creator God, we thank you that you hear us when we pray in faith through your Son.

Dear Lord, we pray for your Church.

Give wisdom and courage to our Archbishops and Bishops. We pray for our own ministry team that they may teach us and lead us in your way for this place. We pray that each one of us may play our part sharing your Good News in these villages and everywhere we go. We pray for the spirit to listen to one another when considering issues affecting church life as we know it.

O Holy Spirit come breathe within us, renewing thought and will and heart. Come love of Christ afresh to win us, revive your church in every part.

Jesus, Lord of life,
in your mercy, hear us.

Lord Jesus, light of the world, bring the light and peace of your gospel to the nations.

Bless and guide Charles our King. We thank you for his witness and pray that he will be restored to good health.

We pray for his ministers. Give them wisdom in their deliberations that they may honour all people and seek the common good.

We pray for the leaders and peoples of countries where there is war – particularly the Holy Land and Ukraine.

Show them the destruction caused by violence that they may seek to find ways for dialogue and reconciliation.

We pray for the people of Haiti where the streets are currently ruled by gangs.

We pray for our fellow Christians who suffer persecution and experience daily fear. Give them courage and a deep sense of your presence with them.

Longing for peace our world is troubled, longing for hope, many despair, your word alone has power to save, make us your living voice.

Jesus, Lord of life,
in your mercy, hear us.

We praise and thank you for this beautiful world. We see the woods and hear the birds sing. We look down from lofty mountains and feel the breeze. May our souls sing ‘How great Thou art’.

Teach us to nurture and preserve your world, ensuring its fruits reach those less fortunate than ourselves.

We pray for all those people who are experiencing times of hardship maybe displaced by war or famine or in financial difficulty. We pray that you will give us generous hearts to help.

Jesus, Lord of life,
in your mercy, hear us.

We pray for those in our community who are sick or housebound.

Give them courage in their weakness and we pray that they may know your peace in their hearts.

We pray for those who care for them that they may have strength and patience.

We remember those who have died and ask that you will comfort those who mourn.

Jesus, Lord of life,
in your mercy, hear us.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 18th March
Monday am: Ps 73 Exod. 8. 1-19 Heb. 11. 17-31 pm: Ps 26 John 11. 28-44
Tuesday am: Ps 25 Isa. 11. 1-10 Matt. 13. 54-end pm: Ps 1 Matt. 2. 13-end
Wednesday am: Ps 55 Exod. 9. 1-12 Heb. 12. 3-13 pm: Ps 62 John 12. 1-11
Thursday am: Ps 40 Exod. 9. 13-end Heb. 12. 14-end pm: Ps 43 John 12. 12-19
Friday am: Ps 22 Exod. ch. 10 Heb. 13. 1-16 pm: Ps 31 John 12. 20-36a
Saturday am: Ps 23 Exod. ch. 11 Heb. 13. 17-end pm: Ps 130 John 12. 36b-end
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2024 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom