Jo and Family Farewell Lunch, Sunday at 12.30pm Thank you to all who have signed up. There will be a good spread to add to small baked potatoes, a glass of fizz and warm friendship. It is not too late just to come. If everyone can possibly bring their own glasses and even plates and cutlery that will help with clearing up. If anyone can help Ben with setting up and beautifying the Canterbury Room please let him know. Thank you.
Our weekly intercessions We are blessed to have prayers prepared each week, with a different style of each contributor. We say a huge thank you to those who have helped with this over recent years but have now stood down: Michael, Mary, David, John, Geoffrey and Barbara. Could you perhaps join the helpful team a few times a year and make it not too onerous for all concerned? Training and support is available.
Piano Recital at St Mary’s Sunday 21st January There will be a Piano Recital next Sunday, January 21st, at 4pm by virtuoso concert pianist Russell Thompson also featuring his wife, Trudi, herself an exceptional pianist. There will be pieces by Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Chopin and Liszt played by Russell Thompson and a duet of Carnival of Animals by Saint Saens. Tickets are available at the door for £10 full, £9 concessions (cash only please).
Singing Workshop – Saturday 27th January, 1.45pm-5pm Singing in a group is the perfect way to spend an afternoon to brighten up January! Matt Foster will be running a Singing Workshop at St Thomas’, suitable for all who love singing, whether you read music or not. We will be singing a wide variety of music including Mozart’s Lacrimosa; Schonberg’s Do you hear the people sing; and Paul McCartney’s Live and Let Die. More information about the workshop, including how to register, can be found on the website by clicking here or via the church office.
Eco-tip for January from A Rocha Make ‘enjoying nature’ your priority. From bird watching to writing about or drawing something that inspires you in nature, growing your own fruit or vegetables, or exploring an area of outstanding natural beauty in the UK, be sure to fall in love with nature in a new way this coming year and allow it to lead your thoughts towards God our Creator. Further ideas can be found at
This week we are asked to pray
Prayers for this week Thank you to Mike for this week’s prayers.
Lord, as you called your disciples, open our ears to your calling. Open our eyes to your presence. Open our hearts to your love, that we may hear you, and hearing you may love you, and loving you may serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Amen.
We give you thanks, O Lord, for you have called us to know you and to proclaim you. Lord, make us worthy of your calling; may we be faithful to you in our discipleship. We pray that your church may be attentive to your word and seek to do your will. Lord, you are our strength. You are our salvation.
Creator God, you called Abraham to be the Father of many nations, and so we pray for reconciliation and bridge-building between peoples, faiths and cultures. We pray for the many people whose lives have been torn apart by conflict in the Holy Land, in Gaza and Israel. We pray especially those who have died, those who are grieving, the injured and those now without food, shelter or medical supplies. Strengthen and support the work of all relief organisations. Lord, you are our strength. You are our salvation.
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. And we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear throughout our world, that you would hold and protect them. Lord, you are our strength. You are our salvation.
Lord of Creation, we pray that nations of our beautiful world will work together to meet the challenges of climate change. And we pray for people in our own country who have suffered from the recent storms and floods. Lord, you are our strength. You are our salvation.
Heavenly Father, we pray for our families and friends. And as children have returned to school, we pray that they will and develop their skills for happy and prosperous futures for them. And we bring to you all who are in trouble or sickness. Lord, you are our strength. You are our salvation.
We give thanks for all who have been faithful disciples, who have heeded your call and obeyed your commands. We pray for those who now serve you with the saints in glory. Lord, you are our strength. You are our salvation.
Almighty God, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.