Church Christmas Cards Thank you to those who came and folded Christmas cards for Goring last Friday and to those of you who have already been walking round our villages delivering them. Ideally all Christmas cards need delivering in time for the carol services this Sunday so, if you can pick up an extra folder from St Thomas’, please do!
Tips for a greener Christmas Click the link for some ideas:
“Gifts of the Magi”, Goring Chamber Choir Concert On 6th January at 3pm Goring Chamber Choir will be giving a concert on the theme of Epiphany in St Thomas'. When Christmas and New Year festivities are over it is a good time to 'find the star within our hearts', as Bob Chilcott says in his carol 'Epiphany'. Goring Chamber Choir will sing both familiar and some new carols reflecting on the bringing of gifts today. Atmospheric pieces by Canadian Stephanie Martin and Thomas Allain describe modern journeys 'to learn and to believe'. Steve Bowey will perform Gaston Litaize's organ piece 'Epiphanie' on the wonderfully restored organ, and there will be familiar carols for the audience to join in. Tickets are £15 (with free entry for under 18s) obtainable from Inspiration in Goring; or from a choir member, or on the door. Further information including details of the programme are available on the Goring Chamber Choir website.
Jo and Family Farewell As you already know, Jo, our curate, is moving to a new post in the New Year. Her final Sunday with us will be 14th January and we will be holding a bring and share lunch in the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’ at 12:30pm for Jo and her family when we can thank them for all they have contributed in their time in the Benefice and wish them well on their next adventure. We also hope to give Jo a gift to remember us by. Donations can be given to church wardens or made online to the Goring Parochial Church Council account with TSB, sort code 30-13-42, account number 11162560 using the reference “JA Gift” please. (In this case please do not use the Parish Giving route as there is a lag between the donation being made and our receiving it.) There will also be a bowl for donations at services at St Mary’s.
This week we are asked to pray
Prayers for this week Thank you to Harry for this week’s prayers.
Our Father God, we recollect that this weekend, 2023 years ago, Mary and Joseph would have been worrying whether they could get from Nazareth to Bethlehem and back on the donkey before the baby's arrival. Maybe they would have preferred to stay home, with family help on hand, for their baby's delivery. However your sovereign plans were in place to ensure that in Bethlehem of Judea was where the Son of Man to be born. We marvel at your great plans to over-rule the haphazard ways of humans, with plans and prophecies which had been in preparation for hundreds of years - and that Our Lord Jesus came from Heaven to join the human race by your design and by prophecy on just the right day. We worship you, Lord Jesus.
The King and the government are doing important things to keep our nation safe. Thank you that we have Ministers who are prepared to take the strain of leadership and fight battles for us and the state. We pray that you will help the government with the human traffickers and boats crisis at Dover, the terrible war in Ukraine, the desperate realities in Palestine, keeping the Climate Agreements forged in Dubai and working with unstable governments in the developing world. Help them to debate honestly and keep their promises and respect the law. To have regard to your almighty power in the world to govern the affairs of mankind. May we as your people support, by our prayers, what is good. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Our Father we pray now for the release of more hostages from the caves and cellars of Gaza and at the same time for better protection for civilians, women and children trapped in that place by the terrorists and air-strikes. Oh God, have mercy upon those in such peril and grant them deliverance. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We ask You now for the people of our three parishes to be made aware of and delight in the full meaning of the birth of Christ, the mystery of the Incarnation, that you O God become man. Thank you for your love which led to your death on the cross bringing salvation and faith to us all. May the Christmas services be especially effective this year in bringing the you, Lord Christ, into our hearts. Strengthen and inspire Ben and the Ministry Team as they serve and teach this message in the coming days. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are sick and unable to get about at this time. We lovingly commend them to you for a blessing and for human fellowship with a visit by friends, so that they continue to feel part of this fellowship. We remember now with thankfulness our Christian friends who have gone before us and who are at rest, with you in Heaven. We miss them, we are grateful for them and their part in passing on your message and your love in their lifetime. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.