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Sunday 19th November                                              Second before Advent

Welcome to our weekly newsletter
St T porch roof
Where is this sparklingly clean view?

We are so fortunate to have had so much work done on all our church buildings. Always more to do, but… thank you to all legacies and gifts which help so much.
May we prepare our hearts and lives in equal measure to point to God.
The Collect, the prayer for the week
   Heavenly Lord,
   you long for the world’s salvation:
   stir us from apathy,
   restrain us from excess
   and revive in us new hope
   that all creation will one day be healed
   in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Readings for this Sunday:  1 Thess. 5: 1-11, Ps. 90. 1-8 and Matt. 25: 14-30.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’ 
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
3:00pm        Wild Church
SS remembrance 23 cropped


Thank you to everyone who prepared our churches and churchyards ready for last Sunday.
Children and Families worker
Jo and Ben write:
"We didn't have any applicants in response to our first advertisement but don't lose heart. This is common across the country for similar roles and it has taken Churches two or three advertising rounds before someone applies. People are not readily applying for many vacancies like these and it will take time. We also may need to divide the role up to make it more accessible. We tell you this not to dishearten you, but to encourage you. We are just at the beginning of the process.
We are firmly held in God’s hands and he has a plan for us. We need to keep praying and listening to what God may be saying to us as a Church as we make plans for what’s next. What does God want us to prioritise and how do we respond? As a team we are meeting together again at the end of November following a time of prayer and reflection and will figure out the next steps together. So let's not lose heart, please do pray, trust in God and make a plan for the next steps."
Advent Course 2023
The course starts this week, Monday 20 November. There is still availability on Thursday night or in Friday's group, should you still wish to sign up. Or perhaps you would like the booklet to work through privately. For further information, please contact Catherine via the church office (875651).
May you know peace this Advent as you prepare for Christmas.
(Our Digging Deeper course is taking a break until Tuesday 9th January.)
Next week we prepare for Advent with a Christingle service at St Mary’s at 11.15am and our Benefice Advent Carol Service at St Thomas' at 4pm.
Advent hymns, readings, reflection time on God knowing our longings and the choir leading some beautiful timely pieces.
Advent candle jk
Advent candles are now available in church with a new card this year, an ideal present for yourself, a friend or grand/godchildren, offering calming hope at the opening moment in each day in December.
These cost £4. Cash please.
Beyond Utopia film
Beyond Utopia (15)
This is an outstanding, award winning film about a Christian pastor who has helped numerous North Koreans flee to safety.
It will be showing at the Wallingford Corn Exchange for 3 nights only (Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd November inclusive at 7:30pm).

For more details, the trailer and to book visit:

Prayer Breakfast, Saturday 25th November
Advance notice that our next Benefice prayer breakfast will take place in the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’ from 8:15am.
Join us as we pray for the life of our churches

Friends' of St Mary’s event
A Friends' of St. Mary's Quiz and Fish and Chip Night is taking place on Saturday 25th November in the Morrell Room starting at 7 p.m.
Individuals, couples and groups are welcome; teams of between four and six can be made up on the evening. Bring your own drinks.
Tickets £10 per head, to include a fish and chip supper, must be booked by 8 p.m. on 21st November, by contacting Jeremy or me via the church office (875651 or
Proceeds in aid of the Friends.                                                           John Rogers

Care Bus Trip
The next trip will be on 1st December departing from St. Mary's at 13:15.
Due to popular demand, it will be a return trip to Toad Hall Garden Centre, near Henley-on-Thames, at a time when their famous Christmas grotto will be in full swing; there were tempting preparations going on when we last visited.
As before, there is no charge for the trip, but you must register as soon as possible with me; space is limited, and several people have already put their names down.
You can contact me via 875651 or         
John Rogers
Daily Prayer continues its usual pattern. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray for

  • We give thanks that Streatley school OFSTED Inspection has finally taken place and pray for all that community. Pray for all who inspect, encourage and support the skilled workers who serve our community.
  • Medical and relief workers in Gaza, and all who grieve and wait in fear. For a desire to understand and seek long term hope for all.
  • We give thanks for those who organise community groups and events. May we support them.
  • Our plans for Advent, to wait on God and grow closer to him.
Diary for next week
Monday 20th November
Advent groups start this week

Wednesday 22nd November
10:30am      Little Lights at St Mary’s
10:30am      Coffee morning at St Andrew’s
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
The readings will be Rev. ch. 4, Ps. 150 and Luke 19. 11-28.

Saturday 25th November
8:15am         Benefice prayer breakfast
7:00pm         Friends’ of St. Mary's Quiz and Fish and Chip Night

Sunday 26th November
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary's
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      Christingle service at St Mary’s
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Advent carol service at St Thomas'
5:00pm        Discoverers

Prayers for this week
Thank you to Ann for this week’s prayers. 

Prayers for the church
Dear Lord, you are the Light of the World, remind us of your presence in these dark days of winter and war.
Lord let not the clouds hide your glory.
Open our eyes to see you in all things.
Extend our vision to behold the mysteries.
Make us aware of the power of your love.
Make us heed your word and call.
Help us to be sensitive to your coming in friends, and strangers, in man and creature, and especially in those in need.
May we reach out and know we touch you.

Prayers for Creation

Dear Lord, you are the maker of Earth and Sky,
You are the maker of birds that fly.
You are the maker of everything in the oceans deep.
You are the maker of moorland sheep.
You are the maker of stars up above.
You are the maker, the giver of love to all that lives.
You are the maker of such as me.
Keep us dear Lord, eternally.

Prayers for the community
Dear Lord, thank you for the churches gathered here, for their constant prayer and compassionate concern for their community. May their love, which comes from you, be shared by all who live in this beautiful place. May your love bless the children at home and at school, and with their families. May it travel with the commuters, and surround those who work locally. May your healing be with the sick and your comfort with the sad, lonely, and frail. May your love through us provide care and companionship to all our neighbours, and our prayers reach out as a blessing to those near, and far away, especially Steve and Lindsey and the children with them in Talanga.

Prayers for the World
Dear Lord, you love all who dwell in your Holy Land, and everyone and everything in every corner of your World. We bring to you, Prince of Peace, men, women, children, and babies, and all creatures, suffering in the agony of war.
We know that you are there in the conflict, for your voice is heard in the cries of the children, in the words of the peacemakers on both sides, and your presence is found in those who give aid to others in the midst of battle.
Please Lord stop the violence, dispel the fear, shield the suffering, free the prisoners, comfort the bereaved, and grant them all your peace.

Prayers for the sick
God of love, we thank you for Jesus’s ministry to the sick. We bring to you all those who are unwell. Please bless them all in Jesus name.

Thanksgiving for the communion of saints
Dear Lord, we remember those who are blessed in heaven with you.
Give us hearts and eyes to see.
You hold all safe, eternally.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 20th November
Monday am: Ps 47 Isa. 9.8-10.4 Matt. 7. 1-12 pm: Ps 71 Rev. ch. 10
Tuesday am: Ps 52 Isa. 10. 5-19 Matt. 7. 13-end pm: Ps 67 Rev. 11. 1-14
Wednesday am: Ps 56 Isa. 10. 20-32 Matt. 8. 1-13 pm: Ps 73 Rev. 11. 15-end
Thursday am: Ps 62 Isa. 10.33-11.9 Matt. 8. 14-22 pm: Ps 76 Rev. ch. 12
Friday am: Ps 63 Isa. 11.10-12.end Matt. 8. 23-end pm: Ps 77 Rev. 13. 1-10
Saturday am: Ps 78. 1-39 Isa. 13. 1-13 Matt. 9. 1-17 pm: Ps 78. 40-end Rev. 13. 11-end
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2023 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom