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Sunday 5th November                                               Fourth before Advent

Welcome to our weekly newsletter
Early November is a time of remembering and in our ‘Digging Deeper’ group this week we spent time remembering the faithfulness of God.
All Saints 23 (2) WM

Colourful autumn leaves laid in memory of loved ones at the service of Thanksgiving for the Departed at St Thomas’ last Sunday afternoon.
The Collect, the prayer for the week
   Almighty and eternal God,
   you have kindled the flame of love
   in the hearts of the saints:
   grant to us the same faith and power of love,
   that, as we rejoice in their triumphs,
   we may be sustained by their example and fellowship;
   through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
   who is alive and reigns with you,
   in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
   one God, now and for ever.
Readings for this Sunday:  1 Thess. 2: 9-13, Ps. 43 and Matt 24: 1-14.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
9:30am        Family Service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Family Service at St Mary’s
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Choral Evensong at St Thomas’
Peace vigil 23.11.05
Vigil for Peace in Oxford,
this Sunday, November 5th 

There will be a vigil for peace in Broad Street in Oxford on Sunday 5 November at 5pm organised by faith and community leaders across Oxfordshire including our Bishops.
There will be short reflections, shared grief and words of comfort offered. We ask everyone to bring a candle and we will light our candles together at 5.15pm, standing in silence as an act of solidarity with those who suffer on all sides of the conflict.
There is more information here:
Also we are encouraged to keep some time on Wednesday as a day for prayer and fasting. There will be an extra time of prayer at 11.15-11.30am after the morning Communion in St Thomas’.
Possible prayers to join in are available in each church any time.

O God of all justice and peace, we cry out to you in the midst of the pain
and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land.
Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people
of all faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment
of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples.
Guide us into your kingdom, where all people are treated with dignity and
honour as your children, for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father.
In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.
The Very Revd Canon Richard Sewell,
Dean of St George's College Jerusalem
Demonstration Organ Recital by Paul Hale
Paul Hale
A final reminder that this Saturday, 4th November, at 2:30pm, Paul Hale, Cathedral Organist, organ advisor and consultant, will be putting the recently re-built organ at St Thomas’ to the test!
Paul will be playing pieces by a variety of composers including Bach, César Franck and Sigrid Karg-Elert. The recital, followed by refreshments, will be free.
Donations to our musical outreach programme welcomed.
Full programme details on the website (What’s On, Events).
2023 Advent Course
You are invited to join an Ecumenical Advent group study, Journeying with the Magi by Keith Duke. This is a fresh approach to thinking and praying about our own inner journey through Advent. Each session includes a time for scripture, prayer, music, poetry, reflection and discussion focusing on the theme of spiritual journeying in the Celtic tradition.
There are four study groups to choose from to best suit your location and availability. There are four weekly sessions in the lead up to Christmas starting in the week commencing 20th November 2023. Groups are usually 8 to 10 people and are hosted in someone’s home, with refreshments provided at the start of the session. The only cost is a donation to cover the price of the course booklet.
Join a group for 4 weeks of fellowship as we study God’s word and prepare for the arrival of Christ into our lives. Sign-up sheets are available in the back of the church.
For further information, please Catherine via the church office (

St Thomas’ churchyard working party
Saturday 11th November 9.30am-12 noon

This is an opportunity to get the churchyard tidied and ready for winter. We will break at 11am for a minute’s silence and some prayers.
Coffee and Scottish shortbread will be available as refreshments…. 
Please put it in the diary!

Deanery Synod, Tuesday 14th November at 7.00pm
The meeting will take place at the Chantry House at St Mary’s, Henley where Revd Sarah Nesbitt will be talking about County Lines and Cuckooing. If you have no idea what County Lines are, or what we mean when we talk about cuckooing, come along and find out. Sarah will also help us to explore the vulnerabilities in our communities. Please let Ben know if you would like a lift.

Advent candles and calendars
We will soon be ordering chocolate Advent calendars from the Meaningful Chocolate company, if people are interested in these. They are no longer sold in supermarkets and would cost £5 (to cover postage costs). Please put the money with your order through the Vicarage door by November 12th.
Advent candle jk
Advent candles are now available in church with a new card this year, an ideal present for yourself, a friend or grand/godchildren, offering calming hope at the opening moment in each day in December.
These cost £4. Cash please.
Care Bus Trip
The next trip will be on 1st December departing from St. Mary's at 13:15.
Due to popular demand, it will be a return trip to Toad Hall Garden Centre, near Henley-on-Thames, at a time when their famous Christmas grotto will be in full swing; there were tempting preparations going on when we last visited.
As before, there is no charge for the trip, but you must register as soon as possible with me; space is limited, and several people have already put their names down.
You can contact me via the church office (        John
Daily Prayer continues its usual pattern. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray for

  • Israel and Palestine, for peace and equal life for all there.
  • All those affected by Storm Ciaran this week.
  • Ongoing reflection and prayer about how Jo will be missed and how we cover her work and move forward with families’ and children’s work.
Diary for next week
Wednesday 8th November
10:30am      Little Lights at St Mary’s
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
The readings will be Rom. 13. 8-10, Ps. 112 and Luke 14. 25-33.

Friday 10th November
2:00pm         Funeral at St Thomas’

Saturday 11th November
9.30am        Churchyard working party at St Thomas’
11.00am      Act of remembrance at village war memorials

Sunday 12th November
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Said Morning Prayer at St Thomas’
10:50am      Act of Remembrance at St Thomas’
10:50am      Act of Remembrance at St Mary’s
10:50am      Act of Remembrance at St Andrew’s
5.00pm        Discoverers

Prayers for this week
Thank you to Alison for this week’s prayers. 

Heavenly Father, as we remember with gratitude the lives of all your saints in the Christian Church, we give thanks to you for those past church members who have shone in our midst with the brightness of your love and have now left us to be with you in the Heavenly Kingdom. We thank you for our Bishops, Steven and Gavin and for our clergy team who lead us in offering ourselves and our lives in renewed commitment and awareness in these troubled times for our world.
Father, in your mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father, we pray for this world so much in need of healing.  We pray urgently for peace in the Holy Land and the whole of the Middle East and we continue to pray for Ukraine and all other areas of conflict and oppression. Grant wisdom and resilience, Father, to all those who seek to mediate in these conflicts and be with those on all sides who are in captivity, fear and suffering. On this International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Churches, we ask your protection for all those who risk their lives by continuing to spread the Gospel.
Father, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

Father, as we draw near to the season of Advent and we prepare for the coming of your Son, we ask your blessing and guidance for the leaders of our Ecumenical Advent Course. May they be inspired by you to share with the participants from across our villages our common message about the love of Jesus, whilst gaining knowledge and hence respect for our differences. We pray for the leaders and teachers in our local schools as they start to plan their Christmas Celebrations. May the message of the love of Christ shine through the excitement. We thank you, Father, for the dedication and courage of our Mission partners, Steve and Lindsay, carrying your undying love to the street children of Honduras.
Father, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

As autumn turns to winter, Father, make us aware of how even more difficult life can become for so many people, including the elderly, the sick and the impoverished. Wrap your loving heart around all the vulnerable in our community and encourage us to give as generously as we can to the food bank collections in our churches. We thank you for the tender care given to residents by all those who work in our local homes and ask your blessing on them and the  residents themselves.
Father, in your mercy: Hear our prayer 

Loving Father, we pray for the sick in our community.  Comfort and heal all those in hospital and those undergoing demanding treatment. And we also remember the housebound.

Father, we remember with gratitude those who have died recently and who have enriched our lives by giving us love and laughter but have now left us for your Eternal Kingdom. We hold them in our hearts, knowing that you Lord hold them and those that mourn in yours.

Heavenly Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 6th November
Monday am: Ps 2 Isa. 1. 1-20 Matt. 1. 18-end pm: Ps 92 Rev. ch. 1
Tuesday am: Ps 5 Isa. 1. 21-end Matt. 2. 1-15 pm: Ps 100 Rev. 2. 1-11
Wednesday am: Ps 9 Isa. 2. 1-11 Matt. 2. 16-end pm: Ps 112 Rev. 2. 12-end
Thursday am: Ps 15 Isa. 2. 12-end Matt. ch. 3 pm: Ps 118 Rev. 3. 1-13
Friday am: Ps 16 Isa. 3. 1-15 Matt. 4. 1-11 pm: Ps 143 Rev. 3. 14-end
Saturday am: Ps 18. 31-end Isa. 4.2-5.7 Matt. 4. 12-22 pm: Ps 145 Rev. ch. 4
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2023 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom