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Prayer Breakfast, tomorrow, Saturday 30th September
Please join us as we pray for the life of our churches across the benefice.
In the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’ from 8:15am -9.30am.
Sunday 1st October                                                                      Trinity 17
Welcome to our weekly newsletter
“Our land has yielded its harvest. God has blessed us.” Psalm 67 v6
We begin our harvest festivals and share with those whose harvest store is empty.

(Streatley celebrate next week.)
Trinity 17:
Almighty God,
you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you:
pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself,
and so bring us at last to your heavenly city
where we shall see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Eternal God,
you crown the year with your goodness
and you give us the fruits of the earth in their season:
grant that we may use them to your glory,
for the relief of those in need and for our own well-being;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Readings for this Sunday:  Phil. 2: 1-13, Ps. 25: 1-8 and Matt. 21: 23-32. Evensong: Deut. 8. 7-18, Ps. 126, Luke 12. 16-30.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
9:30am        All age Harvest service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      All age Harvest service at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Come and Sing Harvest Evensong at St Thomas’
Digging deeper
A chance to learn and grow?
Digging Deeper - Exploring God together
Each session stands alone so why not come this week… Tuesday 3rd October, 10.30am for 10.45am-12 noon in the Canterbury Room.
Or the evening group next also on Tuesday 3rd October in the Vicarage, 7.30pm for 7.45-9pm.
For more information please ask Ben or Jo.
Session 2 will be on humility and intimacy with God in the Psalms, with Eugene Peterson the theologian and writer of “The Message”.
St Andrew’s Harvest Service and Supper
This year there will be a harvest supper in St Andrew’s on this Saturday, 30th September, at 6:30pm.
Tickets (available at the village shop) will cost £10 with the food including “South Stoke sausages”. There will also be a showing of historic village films.

There will then be an all age Harvest service on Sunday 1st October at 11:15am.
Come and Sing Harvest Festival Evensong
In addition to the all age Harvest service at 9:30am on 1st October in St Thomas’ we will be celebrating the Harvest Festival in song at the Evensong service at 4pm on 1st October.  Music will include:
     Greene - Thou Visitest the Earth
     Smith - Responses
     Stanford in Bb - Canticles
     Rutter - For the Beauty of the Earth
There will be tea, coffee and cakes following the service.
We welcome singers to join us for this service. There will be a rehearsal at 2pm on the afternoon of the service and you would be welcome to join us at choir practice this evening, Friday 29th September, from 6:45 - 7:30pm.
Harvest border
Harvest at St Mary’s
There will be a Bring and Share Lunch in the Morrell Room on Sunday 8th October, following the all age Harvest Service at St. Mary's at 11:15am.
Please bring a plate of food along on the day (either sweet or savoury or both, if possible).
Most importantly, this will be an opportunity to invite family, friends, and non-regulars from the village to join us for our Harvest Service, and for fellowship afterwards.
Please let us know in advance as to what you are bringing along to help in planning; there will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the Church.
Thank you very much.                                                                        John Rogers
Steve and Lindsey Poulson
We have an update from Steve and Lindsey who are now back in Honduras where it is the rainy season. They continue to work hard with the young people there to encourage them in education and to help them avoid becoming involved with the local drug gangs. You can read their latest newsletter by clicking here or there will be a copy in each of our churches.
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St Frideswide diocesan pilgrimage,
Saturday 14th October 

This year’s pilgrimage offers five different walking routes of varying length, all ending up in Christ Church Cathedral where there will be tea followed by a pilgrimage service. You can find more information and book here or there are leaflets in our churches.
Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir, Saturday October 14th at 7:30pm
St Thomas’ is delighted once again to welcome the Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir to Goring to entertain us with their wonderful and uplifting singing. The pianist, Jonathan French, will be performing between the choir's sets including Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Liszt’s Liebestraum.
Tickets cost £16 and include refreshments in the interval. Any surplus from the concert will go towards church funds.
Tickets are available online here ( or from Inspirations shop in Goring Arcade or by phoning 07903 140436.
News from Reach
Earlier in the month Anne from Reach came and spoke at St Thomas’ about the work they do in secondary schools. They have three dates for their “Pitstop” initiative at Langtree so far (October 17th, December 5th and February 6th) and would welcome help with baking for these events. If you would like to help in this way please e-mail  or contact the church office (875651).
Care bus Sept 23 JR
Care Bus outing
The outing last Friday to Toad Hall Garden Centre, near Henley, was much enjoyed, though, sadly one of the participants was unable to be with us at the last minute.
The weather was kind, with the heavy rain arriving when most people were at
tea, though the more intrepid were still out and about.
The Christmas trip will take place in November.
If you are interested in joining us then, and haven't yet let me know, please could you do so as soon as possible, because the spaces are already being filled up.  
                                                                                                             John Rogers
Daily Prayer continues its usual pattern. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray for

  • Our harvest celebrations in church and school.
  • Farmers coping with the changing climate, especially in poorer countries and where the changes are devastating.
  • Us to demand less of the environment.
  • Our children and families work.
Diary for next week
Monday 2nd October
9:00am        South Stoke Primary School harvest
1:30pm        Goring Primary School harvest

Tuesday 3rd October
10:30am      Digging Deeper course in the Canterbury Room
7:30pm        Digging Deeper course in the Vicarage

Wednesday 4th October
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
                     followed by coffee in the Canterbury Room
The readings will be Neh. 2. 1-8, Ps. 137. 1-6, & Luke 9. 57-end.
7:30pm        Goring PCC meeting in the Canterbury Room

Thursday 5th October
12:00pm      Thanksgiving service for Helen Lee at St Mary’s

Sunday 8th October
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      All age harvest service at St Mary’s
                    followed by a Bring and Share lunch in the Morrell Room
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
5:00pm        Discoverers
The monthly calendar for October can be downloaded by clicking here

Prayers for this week

Thank you to Brenda for this week’s prayers.

Open our ears, glorious Lord Christ,
to hear the music of your voice above the chaos of this world;
open our eyes to see the vision of your glory, for you are our King, now and for ever.
We pray for King Charles and Queen Camilla as they seek to serve our country.
We pray for his ministers and all in authority who are making decisions on our behalf including Rishi Sunak and his Cabinet.
Guide and strengthen them, Lord, in ways to seek the common good.
God of peace, look in mercy upon us and increase in us the spirit of love and understanding especially between those of different race or colour.
We pray for wisdom for those in authority particularly in Ukraine and Russia that there may be an end to the tyranny and violence of war.
We pray for all those affected by the recent earthquake in Morocco and devastating flood in Libya.
Take away hatred, jealousy and prejudice, so that all may work together for the coming of your kingdom of justice, righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty God
You have called your people to shine as lights in the world.
We pray for our fellow Christians who bear witness in difficult places, particularly remembering our mission partners Steve and Lindsey Poulson in Honduras.
We pray for those suffering persecution and imprisonment for the sake of the Gospel. Uphold their faith and give them courage and patience. By their example may they win others to trust in you.
We pray for the members of our ministry team that they may encourage us in our faith.
Father God, we pray for all in need today: those who feel they are not heard and those who feel lost, frightened or abandoned with nowhere to go. Help them to find you, Lord Jesus, to give them direction, strength and energy for their journey in life.
We pray for all who are sick. Touch with your healing hand all those in need and distress. We pray for all who care for them.
We give thanks for the lives of those who have died and pray for those who mourn that they may be comforted.
Lord God, we thank you for loving us even when we turn away from you.
We give thanks for your constant care for us and for the many blessings you shower on us.
Though we feel unworthy of your great love, we thank you that through our weaknesses you give us strength; and in our wanderings you show us the way.
The Lord bless us and watch over us;
The Lord make his face to shine upon us and be gracious to us;
The Lord look kindly upon us and give us peace.
 Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 2nd October
Monday am: Ps 71 Ezek. 10. 1-19 Mark 14. 1-11 pm: Ps 72 Acts 21.37-22.21
Tuesday am: Ps 73 Ezek. 11. 14-end Mark 14. 12-25 pm: Ps 74 Acts 22.22-23.11
Wednesday am: Ps 77 Ezek. 12. 1-16 Mark 14. 26-42 pm: Ps 119. 81-104 Acts 23. 12-end
Thursday am: Ps 78. 1-39 Ezek. 12. 17-end Mark 14. 43-52 pm: 78. 40-end Acts 24. 1-23
Friday am: Ps 55 Ezek. 13. 1-16 Mark 14. 53-65 pm: Ps 69 Acts 24.24-25.12
Saturday am: Ps 76 Ezek. 14. 1-11 Mark 14. 66-end pm: Ps 84 Acts 25. 13-end
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2023 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom