This week we are asked to pray for
Prayers for this week
Thank you to Clare for this week’s prayers. In the presence of Jesus Christ and in fellowship all the hosts of Heaven, let us pray to our Holy God, the Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer of our world.
Holy God, we ask that you guide us day by day to be disciples of Jesus. Help us know that you always reach out to us in love; that the unique life to which each of us has been called is cherished by you. We pray for leaders of the church across the world, for Archbishop Justin, and our local bishops Steven, of Oxford, and Gavin, of Dorchester. May all leaders be true to their calling as disciples and inspired by the Holy Spirit in their leadership. We give thanks for the wisdom of people who have been part of our church community for years, and for the joy and hope offered by the very newest members, and especially our children and young people. Lord in Your Mercy
Creator God hear our prayers for all parts of our world in which there is suffering. Give us wisdom in tending and using the world’s resources. We pray for renewal of places affected by drought, and protection of lands, crops, animals and people who need water or food. We pray for the people in Morocco and Libya whose lives have been devastated by earthquake and storms. We pray for Rishi Sunak, our government, and all governments across the world; for wisdom and integrity as they make crucial decisions which will affect lands and populations. We pray for the King and give thanks for his steadfast loyalty. Lord in your mercy
O God, sustainer of the world, we pray for peace wherever there is violence. May those who have been caught up in war know your peace in times of chaos and destruction. We pray for all those situations of conflict which we hear about in our news, and for the many more which we do not hear about. We pray for those who are wounded, those who are grieving, for all for whom routine life has been torn apart. Please heal and comfort those individuals who are targets of hatred, and those who have experienced sexual violence. May those who live in fear find courage to seek the help and protection they need. We remember with sorrow that each one of us is capable of hatred and pray that we will never be the cause of harm to others. Lord in your mercy
God the redeemer of the world, we pray for all those who need healing and comfort today. We remember those from our own community and families. We pray for our health service and for its doctors, nurses, and administrators, particularly at this time of industrial dispute. May our health care workers come to experience the wellbeing in their work settings which they so need to look after others well. Lord in your mercy
Lord, we commend to your eternal love and keeping those who have died, and those who will die today. And we pray for all who mourn. Lord in your mercy.
Lord Jesus, unite our prayers with yours, that in your heart they may be carried into the heart of God.
And Merciful Father, Accept our prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.