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Weekly Notices

[ See here for Notice archives ].

This news sheet covers the two weeks from Sunday 22nd December to Saturday 4th January 2025
The Vicar, Ministry Team and Wardens 
wish you a Very Happy Christmas
                                                                                 Advent 4 and Christmas 1
Welcome to our newsletter
Advent 4 G 2022

Mary interrupted her plans and busy schedule to say “Yes” to God. Life was certainly never dull after that.
We give thanks and come together to worship the life giving God who knows all our to-do lists, our longings, and meets us in this child, born for all the world.

Collect for Advent 4:
God our redeemer,
who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary
to be the mother of your Son:
grant that, as she looked for his coming as our saviour,
so we may be ready to greet him
when he comes again as our judge;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Collect for 29th December:
God in Trinity,
eternal unity of perfect love:
gather the nations to be one family,
and draw us into your holy life
through the birth of Emmanuel,
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Readings for 22nd December: Micah 5: 2-5a and Luke 1: 46b-55.
Readings for Christmas Eve: Isaiah 52: 7-10, Ps. 98 & John 1: 1-14.
Readings for Christmas Day: Isaiah 9: 2-7, Ps. 96 & Luke 2: 1-20.
Readings for 29th December: Colossians 3: 12-17, Ps. 148 & Luke 2: 41-52.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      Traditional Carol service at St Mary’s
11:15am      Holy Communion with carols at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Traditional Carol service at St Thomas’

Tuesday 24th December, Christmas Eve
10:30am      Families at the Crib at St Thomas’
4:00pm        Carols at the Crib at St Andrew’s
11:15pm      Midnight Communion at St Thomas’

Wednesday 25th December, Christmas Day
9:30am        Christmas Day Family Communion at St Thomas’
10:30am      Christmas Day Communion at St Mary’s
11:00am      Christmas Day Family Communion at St Andrew’s
Thank you to everyone who delivered the beautiful Christmas card from the churches to every home and business in the villages. Thank you too to everyone who will help our churches welcome all our community, to our wardens, musicians and all behind the scenes who give so much. Much appreciated. 

South Stoke Coffee Morning
The December Coffee Morning took place on the 11th. The children from South Stoke School came, once again, to sing Christmas Songs. The singing was really good and we all enjoyed their visit.
The donations throughout the year came to £170 and this will be going to the Air Ambulance (children’s branch in Headington).
A reminder that there will be no Coffee Morning in January. So the next one will be on the 4th Wednesday in February.

Morning prayer  
There will be no formal morning prayer in our churches between Christmas and the New Year. The usual pattern of 8:30am in St Thomas’ on Monday, 9:00am on Friday and 8:30am at St Mary’s on Tuesday and Thursday will resume on Thursday 2nd January. But our churches will be open each day. You are most welcome to come, pray and ponder and adore God With Us.

This week we are asked to pray 

  • For each of us to ponder what God in the gift of a baby means to us.
  • For our preparations and celebrations to be open to God’s wonderful love and way.
  • For all obliged to work over Christmas.
  • For our Bereavement café as invitations are shared.
  • For plans for our youth work.
  • For fragile political systems that God’s way may be found through them.
  • For those with power and those in fear in Syria, for stability and peace.
We pray for all the housebound and all the residents of our four care homes in the parish.
Diary for after Christmas
Sunday 29th December
10:30am      Benefice Holy Communion with Baptism of Lottie at St Mary’s

Tuesday 31st December
1:30pm        Marriage of Harry & Annabelle at St Andrew’s

Wednesday 1st January 2025
No 10:30am BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’

Sunday 5th January
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
St Thomas’ parish breakfast between the two services
9:30am        Family service at St Thomas’
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Family service at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        Choral evensong at St Thomas’
The monthly calendar for January 2025 can be downloaded by clicking here

Prayers for the week from "Roots on the web"
Heavenly Father, we pray today that we may know in our lives the quality of peace that Mary knew as she accepted God’s will. May we also rest serene in the knowledge that God has a plan for us and is guiding our lives.
Our souls rejoice in you, O Lord, and we seek your peace in our hearts.

Father, may your house be a haven of peace for those who struggle at this season; for those who slip in at quiet times when the carols are silent, because they long for the blessing of peace without the jollity; for those who lack the energy to rejoice because of bereavement or illness, but who desperately seek peace to still their souls and renew their strength.
Our souls rejoice in you, O Lord, and we seek your peace in our hearts.

Lord of all, we pray that all members of our community will feel included and involved in the events of this season; may the peace of the Christ-child enfold our neighbourhood and our villages. And we pray for peace in a world where so many wars and conflicts continue; may the warmongers fail, and the peacemakers prevail.
Our souls rejoice in you, O Lord, and we seek your peace in our hearts.

Heavenly Father, we pray for peace among people who may not get along with the company they are obliged to keep at Christmas. We pray for the peacekeepers, those who work hard to maintain the façade of family peace when it may be lacking. Father, please heal all divisions and let true peace be known among families and friends gathered round the table. As we ponder these thoughts, we pray for all who will be alone this Christmas, in a society in which extended families are fewer, and relationship breakdowns more numerous. May they know that you are with them and find peace in the knowledge of your presence.
Our souls rejoice in you, O Lord, and we seek your peace in our hearts.

Finally, Lord, we rejoice with Mary in the unfolding of your will for her, and for the world, in the birth of Jesus Christ. May we all know the peace of that moment when your love became flesh on earth, for every year we can replay the miracle in our hearts and minds. Come to us again in this season of hustle and bustle; revisit us with the true meaning of Christmas, so that we may know your peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Our souls rejoice in you, O Lord, and we seek your peace in our hearts.

Daily readings for the week beginning 23rd December
Monday am: Ps 130 Isa. 52.13-53.end 2 Pet. 1. 1-15 pm: Ps 89. 1-37 Matt. 19. 1-12
Tuesday am: Ps 45 Isa. ch. 54 2 Pet. 1.16-2.3 pm: Ps 85 Rev. 1. 1-8
Wednesday am: Ps 110 Isa. 62. 1-5 Matt. 1. 18-end pm: Ps 8 Luke 2. 1-20
Thursday am: Ps 13 Jer. 26. 12-15 Acts ch. 6 pm: Ps 86 Matt. 22. 34-end
Friday am: Ps 21 Exod. 33. 12-end 1 John 2. 1-11 pm: Ps 97 1 John 5. 1-12
Saturday am: Ps 36 Gen. 37. 13-20 Matt. 18. 1-10 pm: Ps 128 Matt. 10. 13-16
Daily readings for the week beginning 30th December
Monday am: Ps 113 Isa. 59. 1-15a John 1. 19-28 pm: Ps 65 Col. 1. 15-23
Tuesday am: Ps 102 Isa. 59. 15b-end John 1. 29-34 pm: Ps 90 Col. 1.24-2.7
Wednesday am: Ps 103 Gen. 17. 1-13 Romans 2.17-end pm: Ps 115 Acts 3. 1-16
Thursday am: Ps 18 1-30 Isa. 60. 1-12 John 1. 35-42 pm: Ps 46 Col. 2. 8-end
Friday am: Ps 127 Isa. 60. 13-end John 1. 43-end pm: Ps 2 Col. 3. 1-11
Saturday am: Ps 89 1-37 Isa. ch. 61 John 2. 1-12 pm: Ps 87 Col. 3.12-4.1
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
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