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Weekly Notices

[ See here for Notice archives ].

Sunday 19th January                                                                  Epiphany 2

Welcome to our weekly newsletter
Aconites JC

As we continue to unpack the revelations of the divine made manifest in Jesus, we think who we turn to when we worry about seeming lack of hope in a crisis, and how what is deemed ‘ordinary’ around and within us can be transformed.

The Collect, the prayer for the week
  Almighty God,
  in Christ you make all things new:
  transform the poverty of our nature by   the riches of your grace,
  and in the renewal of our lives
  make known your heavenly glory;
  through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
  who is alive and reigns with you,
  in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
  one God, now and for ever.
Readings for this Sunday: 1 Cor. 12: 1-11, Ps. 36: 5-10 and John 2: 1-11.

This Sunday:
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
9:30am        Good News service at St Thomas’
11:15am      BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
11:15am      Good News service at St Andrew’s
3:00pm        Bereavement café in the Canterbury Room

Prayer Breakfast, N.B. Please note this has been postponed until next Saturday, 25th January, 8.15am (apologies).


Please come and pray for the life of our parishes: for our plans for the year, and the new bereavement café.
The prayer breakfast will take place in the Canterbury Room at St Thomas’. Coffee and croissants from 8:15am, followed by prayer for the life of our churches.  Finished by 9.30am Please do join us.

Heal the Gap Bereavement Café
Our Bereavement Cafe is a new initiative that follows on from our Bereavement Course. Grief is a natural response to a loss, and it affects everyone differently. By being able to offer a comfortable environment to discuss and share your experience of
grief with others without fear of judgement and scrutiny, regardless of how long ago your loss occurred, we felt this was a very important part of our community to be able to offer this to anyone within our benefice.
Starting on Sunday from 3-4pm, we will be offering a monthly meet up in the Canterbury Room for some peer-to-peer support, with the opportunity of meeting others from our villages, who are going through similar situations offering some friendship, advice and hope. There will also be tea, coffee and refreshments.  
The aims of this group are to demystify the topic of grief and remove its status as a taboo subject and to equip everyone with the self-assurance necessary to engage in a meaningful conversation with those grappling with loss, focusing primarily on active listening.  These sessions will be managed by trained group bereavement facilitators.   
We look forward to seeing you there.                                          Melissa Walker
Digging deeper
Digging Deeper – fortnightly, Tuesdays at 10.30am
All are warmly welcome to come along to this study and fellowship group.
There will be four sessions before Lent begins,  looking at Paul’s amazing and important letter to the church in Rome.
With coffee and a biscuit our first session will give a brief overview of this letter we will then dig deeper into Romans Chapter 1, verses 1-17.
The first session will be this Tuesday, 21st January, 10.30am-12.00pm, in the Canterbury Room.
Goring Chamber Choir concert, Saturday 25th January at St Thomas’
Entitled 'Blow, blow thou winter wind' this concert which starts at 3pm joins together two aspects of winter: the 'freezing, bitter sky' and 'heigh ho, the holly, this life is most jolly'. The programme seeks to balance and rejoice in these two aspects of life in January: the terrible beauty of the still world in winter under snow and ice and post-Christmas joys, a cheerful drinking song, looking ahead to a wedding in the spring. Well-known slow pieces such as Stanford's 'The blue bird', Michael Head's 'The little road to Bethlehem' and Elgar's 'The snow' contrast with the vigour and vitality of Debussy's 'Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain' and Russell-Smith's toe-tapping 'The wedding ring'. Poetry readings between the groups of choral songs will also highlight this contrast, summed up in Rutter's setting of Shakespeare's text.
Tickets: £15. Free for under-18s. Obtainable from a choir member or from Inspiration in Goring or on the door. Please see for more information.
St M concert 25.01
Spanish Fantasia for Guitar and Piano, Sunday 26th January
Gary Jordan (classical guitar) and Seth Williams (piano), the Accorda Duo, will be coming to St Mary’s for a concert at 4pm.
Tickets are £10 full and £9 concessions on the door only (cash only please). We will fit everyone in! Enquiries by text to 0776 233 9853

The program will include Joaquin Rodrigo's Fantasia para Gentlehombre and works by Tedesco and Marchelle.
Refreshments will be served in the Morrell Room afterwards.
Start your day listening to God and praying together. Why not join in one day? We listen to the Bible and pray for our world and church members in turn.
Monday: 8.30am Goring,     Tuesday and Thursday: 8.30am Streatley.
Friday: 9am Goring.

This week we are asked to pray: 

  • For farmers and agricultural workers across the world.
  • For attendees at our Bereavement café.
  • For our Discoverers group, restarting on 26th January.
  • For our individual reflections on a year past and a year ahead.
  • We give thanks for our PCC members and all they contribute.
  • For road gritters, drain clearers and pothole menders and all that funds them.
Diary for the week
Tuesday 21st January
10:30am      “Digging Deeper” in the Canterbury Room   

Wednesday 22nd January
10:30am      BCP Holy Communion at St Thomas’
The readings will be Heb. 7. 1-3, 15-17, Ps 110. 1-4 and Mark 3. 1-6.

Saturday 25th January
8.15am        Prayer breakfast in the Canterbury Room
3:00pm        Goring Chamber Choir concert at St Thomas’

Sunday 26th January
8:00am        BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9:30am        Holy Communion at St Thomas’
11:15am      Mattins at St Mary’s
11:15am      Holy Communion at St Andrew’s
4:00pm        “Spanish Fantasia”, guitar and piano concert at St Mary’s
5:00pm        Discoverers in the Canterbury Room

Prayers for the week
Thank you to Harry for this week’s prayers.

Our Father at this season of Epiphany, we pause to honour our Saviour, Jesus, because the salvation granted to the Jewish peoples was extended also to the rest of the world. The Gospel was preached to the Gentiles and groups of them came to faith and received the Holy Spirit. The power of Christ came to them with the startling impact of a bright light and the worldwide spread of the gospel had started.  We praise you that the Greek and Roman peoples sought to enter the kingdom of God through faith in Christ and You welcomed them in.  You welcomed us in, also.  We ask for your Holy Spirit's blessing on the preaching work and the children’s work of our three parishes.  At this time, we pray for a special blessing on Ben and the Ministry Team.
Lord in your mercy:  
Hear our prayer.

Father, we ask especially for stamina and wisdom to be given to Archbishop Stephen and House of Bishops in the wake of the historic abuse scandals affecting the Anglican Church. We pray for an honesty/open-ness which refuses to cover-up or excuse wickedness. We pray for those who have been victims of abuse, especially those from a church context, where the wrongs have been magnified by being ignored or suppressed. We pray also for any who have been accused, but who in the fullness of time, may be shown to be innocent.

Dear Lord we commit to your will the changeover of Presidency in the United States, tomorrow, at a time of such strong divergence of views and policy between the political parties and voters.  We have noticed apprehension about sudden swings in tariffs, economics and warfare. We particularly pray for poorer countries and those at war, who depend on the USA for supplies and moral support.

There are some awful trouble-spots in the World just now, so we ask your protection and promotion of peace in Gaza and Jerusalem. May the cease-fire hold and the parties keep their promises.

  • For a peace between Sudanese government soldiers and the rebel fighters;
  • For protection for the poor people of Yemen from fighting;
  • For the oppressed in Myanmar; 
  • For the imprisoned Christians in North Korea.

We pray for our friends who are suffering through illness and frailty.  We commend to you those who cannot get to Church for worship or fellowship. 
Also we give thanks for the lives and the faith of friends and relatives who have recently died. We share the sadness of their passing and our deep loss of their love and fellowship. May the Bereavement Cafe on Sunday afternoon be a great comfort and sharing of fellowship.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Daily readings for the week beginning 20th January
Monday am: Ps 98 Amos 6 1 Cor. 6. 1-11 pm: Ps 71 Matt. 24. 1-14
Tuesday am: Ps 132 Amos 7 1 Cor. 6. 12-end pm: Ps 89 1-37 Matt. 24. 15-28
Wednesday am: Ps 81 Amos 8 1 Cor. 7. 1-24 pm: Ps 97 Matt. 24. 29-end
Thursday am: Ps 76 Amos 9 1 Cor. 7. 25-end pm: Ps 111 Matt. 25. 1-13
Friday am: Ps 27 Hosea 1.1-2.1 1 Cor. ch. 8 pm: Ps 73 Matt. 25. 14-30
Saturday am: Ps 66 Ezek. 3.22-end Phil. 3. 1-14 pm: Ps 119 41-56 Col. 1.24-2.7
Please send any notices or articles for the next news sheet by noon on Thursdays to
Copyright © 2025 The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Benefice of Goring and Streatley with South Stoke
The Vicarage
Manor Road
Goring, Berkshire RG8 9DR
United Kingdom
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